to give, contact:
Peter Rozga
Office of Institutional
220 Johnston Hall
101 Pleasant St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Why Support Medieval Studies at the University of Minnesota
Your tax-deductible contribution helps fuel Medieval Studies at the University of Minnesota through the new Center for Premodern Studies—the foremost center for the study of the Middle Ages in the state of Minnesota. Our mission is to illuminate the medieval time period for students, teachers, and community members alike. While we serve many, we are few—the center is run by a handful of committed faculty and staff who do this as a labor of love on top of their duties in their respective departments. Donations provides our best students with vital encouragement and financial support, and give our award-winning faculty the resources needed to enlarge our knowledge of language, literature, and culture.
What Your Gift Can Do
Your contribution will help support:
- Graduate Student Research: We organize and offer financial support to graduate students to attend workshops on how to read medieval manuscripts, to do hands-on research in archives abroad, to organize/attend professional conferences and to network with professionals already working in the field. Graduate reading groups supported by the Center include those in Old Norse, Latin, and Classical Arabic.
- Community Outreach: The many activities of the Center include the Medieval Book in the Schools, which introduces the culture of the Middle Ages (including manuscripts!) to students in Minnesota K-12 classes.
- Endowed Lecture Series: We sponsor many events for the public as well as for the university community, including an annual talk by a world renowned expert in Art History (the Sheppard lecture--a lecture created in honor of UMN Art History Professor, Carl D. Sheppard) and an annual talk by a world renowned expert in manuscript studies (the Aris Memorial Lecture--a lecture series established in honor of Rutherford Aris, UMN professor of Chemical Engineering and Classics, whose love of manuscript culture led to the establishment of this annual lecture).
Choose a Fund:
Sheila McNally Endowment for Medieval Studies
- The Sheila McNally Endowment for Medieval Studies honors UMN Art History Professor Shelia McNally, whose scholarship included Coptic Egypt, the art and archaeology of monasticism, as well as Greek and Roman sculpture, mosaics, and pottery. The fund supports the Center's programs and research including annual support for graduate student scholars through summer fellowships.
- The Medieval Studies Fund supports the Center's programs, students, and research. The Medieval Studies Fund finances expenses not covered by other funding sources, and makes possible many of the Center for Premodern Studies Medieval special events, including the Colloquia Medievalia lecture series.