DREAM Pledge

After the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his historic ‘I Have A Dream’ speech at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom, a final speaker named A. Philip Randolph took the stage. Randolph, a prominent African American leader and voice for union activism and civil rights, had a powerful message for the 250,000 people in attendance, and for those watching the March on television or listening on the radio—join him in pledging their commitment to work ceaselessly in the struggle for personal and economic freedoms for all Americans.

Sixty years later, as we commemorate those courageous champions and this seminal demonstration of democracy, it is time to renew each of our personal and communal commitments. The Dream Initiative asks every person in today’s pursuits for diversity, inclusion, equity and social justice to take their own pledge, and utilize it as a guiding North Star for taking actions that align with the vision set forth by Dr. King and all the orators and artists who spoke or sang to the country on August 28, 1963.

We invite you to take the DREAM Pledge or to create your own. Please do this as a tribute to the work of those whose time has passed, and for those who have lost their lives to the injustices that remain present in our world today. Mostly, do it to guide your actions during the years to come.   

The DREAM Pledge below suggests one way that this commitment might be articulated. Please view the DREAM pledge below and if its language resonates with you, “sign it.” If it does not, please consider creating your own DREAM Pledge that is most meaningful and sustainable for you. 

The DREAM Pledge

Diversify your relationships 

Register to vote and encourage friends and family to do the same

Educate yourself and others about racial justice

Advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion within your spheres of influence

Mentor a young person when you are able 

Take the DREAM Pledge

Once you have taken the official DREAM Pledge or created and taken your own, you will join a ‘beloved community’ of people who have done the same. 

Thank you for being bold and aspirational, and keeping the hope of a better world strong!

Introducing the Dream Initiative

2023 marks the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered the historic “I Have A Dream” speech. Inspired by historical and contemporary justice movements, the Dream Initiative, based in the College of Liberal Arts, invites Twin Cities organizations and communities to engage in opportunities that commemorate, foster reflection, educate and amplify our shared, social justice aspirations and actions for change.

Learn more about the Dream Initiative

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