Graduating Senior Spotlight: Q&A with Hamilton Peterson

Hamilton Peterson stands next to a pink banner that says "National Student Advertising Competition"

Hometown: Maplewood, NJ

Major: Strategic Communication

Did you participate in any student organizations, Learning Abroad programs, research or internship opportunities, or other related experiences? How have you learned from them?

I've grown so much from my student club experiences. This past year I've been the co-president of the Advertising Club and I've learned so much from the experience. I've come to learn about what it means to be a leader and what my style of leadership is. I've been exposed to the world of advertising and come to understand what it takes to find success. Getting to travel to Nashville as a part of the National Student Advertising Competition team that went to the final national competition was an unforgettable experience that I'll cherish for the rest of my life. I've developed great networking and communication skills from the experience as well.

How would you describe your time in your major?

My time in the strategic communication major has been nothing short of special. I’ve made lifelong friends, built awesome personal and professional connections, learned where my interests lie within the advertising industry, and grown as a person throughout the process. I’ve been exposed to so many new ways of thinking and been encouraged to be myself and to be bold. I’ve had some unforgettable experiences and learned many important lessons that I will value for the rest of my life.

What have you learned about yourself during your time in CLA?

During my time in CLA, I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’ve learned about my interests in advertising, my leadership style, and the passion I have for making connections with those around me. I’ve learned that it always feels better to have put yourself out there and attempted to do something rather than letting fears and anxieties hold you back. I’ve learned about what it takes to properly work in a group and that I actually prefer group work over individual assignments. Overall, I’ve learned so much. Also, as an out of state student from the east coast, I’ve learned that people in the Midwest really do call soda “pop.”

If you could go back and give your first-year self one piece of advice, what would it be?

If I could go back and give my first-year self one piece of advice, it would be to know that everything in life works out as it needs to. During my first year, I often found myself overthinking various situations and just creating more stress for myself. I’d want to tell myself to not second guess myself so much, to be bold regardless of what the outcome may be, and to know that in the end, things will work out as they have to. The outcome may be positive, negative, or somewhere in-between, but from each experience will come a learning and growing opportunity. 

Through all the ups and downs of my experience here at the U of M, everything has always worked out as it had to. I’ve had some losses, some triumphs, and learned so much throughout the process. I’d encourage myself to approach every situation with confidence and not to allow myself to be held back by insecurities and fear.

What is your favorite study spot on campus?

My favorite study spot on campus would have to be the student union. This past year especially, I’ve taken advantage of it as an awesome place to study. It feels good to have so much life around you as you work on homework. It’s also a great place for people watching during homework breaks. 

But, if you really need to buckle down and get lots of work done, Walter Library is the best place to do that. That peer pressure of being around so many other students who are working hard rubs off for sure and provides a surprising amount of motivation.

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