Meet Content Creator Anushka Raychaudhuri

Headshot of Anushka Raychaudhuri

Anushka Raychaudhuri is a freshman in CLA, interested in majoring in both economics and journalism. She recently moved here from India, having bounced back and forth from there and the US quite a bit. “Kind of like a tennis court, you know?” she says, “Like a ball.” Even so, Anushka spent most of her life in India, and now she’s here in Minnesota for her undergraduate education, enjoying most of her classes, and often heading to the Wilson Library on campus, or hanging out with her friends. She values her quiet time as an introvert, likes to read and write in her spare time, and did karate for ten years. One of the most unexpected things she’s learned about Minnesota is the varying weather, since “the climate and the weather are like polar opposites” compared to India. Regardless of the weather, however, Anushka hopes to engage with the diverse community the campus offers, and strengthen her voice with the help of a liberal arts education here at the U of M.

Her dream job is to report in the field of economics, and write more about consumer behavior and the social aspects of economics. To Anushka, economics is more than just math, it’s learning about why people choose one product over another, and the psychology of marketing and advertising. “When people say economics,” Anushka says, “they’re like, ‘oh, it’s hard, because it’s a lot of math.’ But it’s more than that. It’s fascinating to me.” There are many intricate concepts within economics that she’d like to explore in the future, both through education and journalism.

Anushka became a content creator here in order to develop her skills as a writer and build relationships with other members within CLA. She’s always been good with English, and believes that being a content creator will improve other skills outside of that, like communication, problem-solving, and leadership, all being important aspects to this position. So far, she’s really enjoyed bonding with the team, and glad to have joined the CLA.

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