Current Research Awards

Thanks to the tireless passion and effort of our faculty and students, the School of Statistics has had the honor of receiving 12 research awards over the years. Our awards reach across multiple fields and reflect our eagerness to collaborate with scholars and researchers from other fields such as the Medical School, veterinary medicine, forestry, and more.
Award Recipients
Ansu Chatterjee
On Conditional Statistical Procedures for Simultaneous Model Selection, Inference, and Prediction in Complex Climate Systems—National Science Foundation
ATD: Collaborative Research: Multivariate Quantiles for Rapid Spatio-Temporal Threat Detection—National Science Foundation
Charles Doss
Nonparametric Estimation and Inference: Shape Constraints, Model Selection, and Level Set Estimation—National Science Foundation
Tiefeng Jiang
Collaborative Research: Interface of Probability and Statistics for High-dimensional Inference—National Science Foundation
Xiaoou Li
Level Crossing of Likelihood Functions in Sequential Decision Problems and Statistical Learning—National Science Foundation
Adam Rothman
New Methods for Multivariate Analysis in High Dimensions—National Science Foundation
Xiaotong Shen
Estimation and Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks—NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Collaborative Research: Collaborative Learning for Multimodal Data—National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Video interpretation and Description—National Science Foundation
Lan Wang
Collaborative Research: High-Dimensional Projection Test—National Science Foundation
New Methodology and Theory for Optimal Treatment Regimes—National Science Foundation
Hui Zou
Collaborative Research: New Statistical Methods and Theory for High-Dimensional Data—National Science Foundation