Honoring Anne Krueger

Remarks made as we grant Professor Anne Krueger with an Honorary Doctor of Science degree
Anne Krueger
Anne Krueger

Good afternoon, I’m John Coleman, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. Welcome, and thank you for joining us this afternoon. And thank you to the Department of Economics and the Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute for hosting this celebration.

We’re here today to hear from, and honor, Anne Osborn Krueger. While here at the U, Professor Krueger established herself as one of CLA’s most distinguished faculty. She is a giant in the field of economics and it is truly a delight to be presenting her with the Honorary Doctor of Science degree.

Professor Krueger taught here at Minnesota from 1959 to 1982. In her time at the U, she demonstrated the intellectual rigor and willingness to "take on the establishment", as one of her nomination letters puts it, that would characterize her subsequent academic and public work. Her public leadership roles have included serving as Chief Economist at the World Bank as well as First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund.  

Her work has brought honor to our Department of Economics and is part of a long tradition of excellence. Indeed, 9 of the University of Minnesota’s 22 Nobel Laureates are associated with the Department of Economics. 

The department’s international distinction was reinforced in 2010 by the founding of the Heller-Hurwicz  Economics Institute. Together, the department and Heller-Hurwicz produce leading-edge research and build a bridge between world-class economic research, public discourse, and public policy.   

Professor Krueger, on behalf of the college, I want to welcome you back to the College of Liberal Arts, the Department of Economics, and the University of Minnesota. We are honored to have the opportunity to recognize your years of outstanding scholarship and trailblazing leadership.

I would also like to thank many of Professor Krueger’s friends, family, former students, and colleagues who have traveled from Hong Kong, Spain, Argentina and all points in the U.S. to be with us today. You’re a testament to the impact of Professor Krueger’s work and underline how deeply deserving she is of tonight’s honor.

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