COVID-19 Updates
Theatre Arts & Dance Department strives to keep its students, faculty, and staff apprised of University of Minnesota COVID-19 policy, and to provide clear guidance for our audiences and visitors. We welcome you to the performance events in Rarig Center and at the Barker Center for Dance. Please refer to the University of Minnesota COVID -19 Response for details. The following is intended as a general guide and will be updated as circumstances change and/or more information is available.
On October 21, 2021, President Gabel announced that, in compliance with U.S. President Joe Biden's executive order, the University will move from attestation to requiring all faculty and staff systemwide to submit proof of vaccination. Please visit the Get the Vax 2.0 webpage for details.
Per President Gabel's May 11 announcement, no masks are currently required in Theatre Arts and Dance public spaces, classrooms, studios, or performance spaces. Individuals may choose to continue to wear masks at any time or in any location as a matter of personal protection.
Currently there is no requirement for social distancing.
Visitors must abide by the UMN policy. Currently COVID-19 vaccination is not required to attend Theatre Arts and Dance performances. Tickets will be sold at 100% capacity without social distancing and face masks are not required.