Scott Vrieze
75 East River Parkway
My research program includes genetic and environmental influences on psychopathology, especially substance use and abuse in adolescence and early adulthood. I use a variety of research designs in this effort, including genetic association studies, longitudinal twin and adoption designs, and novel assessment techniques such as ecological momentary assessment, GPS location, and wireless sensors.
I mentor students in the Clinical Science and Psychopathology Research program, as well as the Personality, Individual Differences, and Behavior Genetics program, both in the Department of Psychology.
Along with Monica Luciana , I direct a training program funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health. This training program provides full financial support for graduate students and postdocs to conduct research on genetic and neurobehavioral aspects of addiction and related phenomena.
For a list of publications please see Google Scholar page
Educational Background
- Postdoc: Biostatistics, University of Michigan
- PhD: Clinical Psychology, University of Minnesota, 2012
- B.A.: , University of Minnesota, 2004 -