A Message from Department of Art Chair Christine Baeumler

Dear Art Department Community, 

The verdict to convict Derek Chauvin on all counts brings a measure of accountability in the murder of Mr. George Floyd. While this is a positive step, it cannot assuage the ongoing pain and trauma experienced by George Floyd’s family, friends, and, in particular, members of the BIPOC community. The recent police killing of Daunte Wright and the absence of accountability in the murder of Philando Castile continues to weigh heavily on us as well. 

Clearly, the conviction of an individual is only the beginning of a long road to dismantling and abolishing destructive and lethal systems that take the forms of both immediate and slow violence. The trauma and impact on BIPOC students, staff, and faculty, and those that live in the neighborhoods in South Minneapolis and in Brooklyn Center are central in our thoughts at this time.

It can feel overwhelming to confront so much injustice that spans centuries of white supremacism and the structural racism embedded in our society, cultural narratives, and our own institution. As a community of artists, we can decide to hold space and support each other with kindness and gentleness. We can continue to show up with compassion and an open-hearted willingness to learn to be effective as agents of change and accountable in our own decisions and actions as we move towards actual justice. 

Please take care of each other and yourselves. 

Christine Baeumler

Professor and Chair of the Department of Art


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