Q & A for Dept of Art Students

Please share your concerns and questions regarding your courses and the department’s plans using this FORM

The Department of Art will reguarly post responses to student questions on this page. Please check back in the future for additional information.

Q. I am a senior enrolled in Ceramics Studio 5810 and BA Capstone. Both of these courses are based on art production and uses facilities for project based learning. Will the semester go into May session timing to be able to complete the projects? I would prefer later access to building and rather than none at all.

At this point, there are too many unknowns to predict what will happen in May.  We understand the challenges presented by our current situation. For now I would assume the class will be finished online.  Faculty and staff are regularly meeting to adjust as the situation changes.

Q. I’m taking super 8 and 16mm I need access to cameras and chemistry for developing it, is the U. Going to either facilitate this or compensate me for the fact that I can’t take the class I signed up for.

Unfortunately, no equipment can be checked out at this time.  You should speak with your instructor about how they are adapting the course.  Obviously these are unusual times and everyone is doing their best to accommodate the situation.

Q. With the rest of the semester being taught online, should we remove all personal materials from Regis now? Will there be a later date to access all our things?

Students have until Wednesday, March 18 at 5:00 p.m. to pick up their belongings.
Update: All student work and belongings will be safely stored in Regis until a few weeks into September.

Q. Will the closure of the Regis Center for Art affect the BFA application in April in any way?

Update: The BFA Application period will run from April 1-April 30.  All information can be found here: https://cla.umn.edu/art/bfa-art

Q. All I need to do is fire my pieces for the BA Capstone. Is it at all possible to do that before the end of the semester? Even if we just check out kiln time on an online forum or something?

Unfortunately, the building and facilities will be closed.  

Q. Will graduating students have their capstone exhibition?

The latest email from President Gabel states that there will be no commencement and there will be no events for the remainder of the semester.  Departmental leadership is working on what this means for graduating students.

Update:  Graduating students are in conversation with their capstone instructor as to alternative options to the exhibition.  Please ask your instructor if you have questions.

Q. Will the required hours for the internship change? My internship location is closed and I don’t think I will be able to complete it, but this is supposed to be my last semester.

We can work this out.  Email Paul Shambroom, pshambro@umn.edu. My guess is we will waive some requirements, but want to be consistent and thoughtful in how we make these decisions. 
Update:  Students who are unable to complete their internship as originally conceived have a couple of options: 

Option 1 - Remote Work: Where possible, students who can arrange to work remotely to complete their internship hours may do so. Many organizations are well equipped for students to carry on with existing projects remotely or complete similar projects that benefit the organization and provide a learning opportunity for students.

Option 2 - End Onsite Internship Hours Connected to Academic Credit and Complete Supplemental Assignments: Students end their onsite internship activities immediately and complete the internship course hour requirements through alternative supplemental assignments and the academic work connected to the internship. Such assignments may include research, reflective essays, etc.  Students should confer with their instructors regarding hours completed and whether supplemental assignments are needed.

Q. How will the BFA application be effected? I am planning on submitting an application but I wasn’t able to get a few final photos of pieces in the studio before all of this. I in fact had a meeting with my professor where she was going to help me with the photo equipment in the photo studio in Regis. Will the application be postponed for the semester?

We intend to accept BFA applications, the schedule may be adjusted. Stay Tuned. We plan to issue guidance soon on simple ways to do good documentation at home, even with a phone. I would strongly suggest you take home any work you might consider submitting while you can still access the building.
Update:  BFA Application period runs from April 1-30.  See above.

Q. I am currently trying to gauge how much stuff to move out of my studio at the moment. If for some reason the timeline of closing Regis is extended beyond April 1st, do you foresee a situation where we could potentially get back in the studio again to retrieve more materials?

You will not have access to the studios through the end of the semester.

Q. I am an international student from China. The current epidemic situation is that China has almost completely controlled and can provide a complete and correct medical system, but the United States has not shown a trend to control the epidemic, so my parents and family hope to return Go to China and go online in China. But the problem now is that our school has not given a specific and complete arrangement for this semester, including whether the online course has been completed this semester, how will our experimental courses begin in the future and so on. These are my concerns.

This is a difficult situation.  I would contact the International Student and Scholar Services office (ISSS) and talk to them about your options. They are following the situation closely. You can schedule a meeting here:  https://isss.umn.edu/

Q. Will the closure of the Regis Center for Art affect the BFA application in April in any way?

Update:  The application period is April 1-30.  An email went out to all BA students with more information.

Q. Are there any community ceramics studios that could potentially let students in to practice?

The sculpture and ceramics faculty are meeting in the next day or two (virtually) to discuss teaching and process methods. They’ll be in touch soon on this.

Q. Will there be a designated day after the semester is over to pick up unfinished work that we weren’t able to bring home on short notice before Regis closed?

Yes, as the situation evolves, we will keep you all informed as to when this might be.  Right now, we have no way of knowing when the virus will abate.
Update:  All work is safely stored away and will be held through a few weeks into September.

Q. Those of us that don’t live in state and have been advised to stay with family or where ever is safest how will we be able to get our things from our studio spaces If we can’t get there by Wednesday?

This is a good question.  I will investigate and respond when I have an answer.
Update:  All student work has been stored.  It will be there for you at the start of fall semester.

Q. Do I have to be worried about my pay check? I wasn't concerned, but there was just another email from the President with this subsection: Compensation Issues: For many of our employees (including students), there may be very specific questions about compensation. We are actively working on guidance for all categories of employees and expect to provide that very soon. In the meantime, know this: we will do everything possible to keep you “whole” from a compensation standpoint. Does this mean I should be worried about *not* getting paid?

The Department is working hard to find remote assignments for all our student workers.  This is a developing situation, and ultimately, we will follow the guidance provided by the President.  Keep in contact with your supervisor in the Department. If you want to work, we want to help you work remotely!

Update:  By now, all student employees should be in communication with their supervisors. If you are not, please contact your supervisor immediately. Student employees have been given assignments that can be done remotely. Continue to enter your hours worked after each shift. If you are not able to work remotely, let your supervisor know and we will make the necessary adjustments.

Q. My question is as to whether or not there has been conversation about distribution of “class funds” to individual artists in the BFA program so that certain things can be purchased for home use like printer ink, gesso, wood glue, etc. I fully understand that as artists we are resourceful by nature and that these strange times and this serious situation pose real and important questions to us all about resources. That being said enrollment in this program requires major financial sacrifice for many of us which is justifies in part by access to facilities. It seems our necessary adjustments could maybe be bolstered by the University. I do intend to use this as an opportunity to work with what’s available—but the cost of tuition without access to facilities feel in question. Thank you for the continued updates. I’m sure this is incredibly challenging to coordinate and that everyone is doing everything they can. 

This is a fair question, and the only answer I have for you right now is I don’t know. I believe this is probably a larger University question, as we are not the only department that has course fees and depends heavily on facilities. I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Q. I work in the undergrad painting and drawing studio... Can I leave my large works in my studio space? I won’t need them for awhile but I don’t have the storage space at home.

Yes, this is fine.

Q. If this style of learning just doesn’t work for me will the University refund my tuition if I drop the classes?

We are working on getting answers to student questions related to financial issues. We simply don’t have those answers yet. We do know that the University has extended the last day to cancel a class without college approval to April 16. We have not heard anything about possible refunds to tuition. 

Q. Will I be able to take pottery class in the fall, or should I wait until Spring?  

Right now we are proceeding as usual with our offerings.  It’s possible fall ceramics courses will need to be postponed to Spring 2021, and we are planning for that.  President Gabel will announce later this month how fall classes will meet.  At that time we will provide more information to students on any changes to our curriculum.

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