CAS program update: events CANCELED / MOVED to online format!
Due to the extension of UMN's spring break and efforts to contain COVID-19 we are making some adjustments to our CAS Spring 2020 Public Programming calendar.
Wednesday, March 18. Gallery talk and reception. “Elizabeth Scheu Close: A Life in Modern Architecture” exhibit organized by the Goldstein Museum of Design. Remarks by author Jane King Hession, historian and emeritus professor Gary Cohen, and Roy Close, son of Lisl and Win Close. 4:00pm, 225 Rapson Hall. Presented by the Center for Austrian Studies and the Goldstein Museum of Design, cosponsored by the Department of History.
Friday, April 10. Public lecture. "Perspectives for a Global Intellectual History." Professor Martin Mulsow, German, University of Erfurt. 12:00pm, 1210 Heller Hall. Presented by the Center for Early Modern History, cosponsored by the Center for Austrian Studies.
Monday, April 13. Public lecture. "The Marginal Revolutionaries: How Austrian Economists Fought the War of Ideas.” Professor Janek Wasserman, history, University of Alabama. 6:00pm reception, 6:20pm lecture, 1210 Heller Hall. Presented by the Center for Austrian Studies in conjunction with HIST 3419: History of Capitalism, cosponsored by the Department of History.