CFP: Nineteenth Annual Czech & Slovak Studies Workshop

April 5-6, 2019 The University of Texas at Austin

The Nineteenth Annual Czech & Slovak Studies Workshop will be held at UT-Austin on April 5-6, 2019. The program committee welcomes papers on Czech and Slovak topics, broadly defined, in all disciplines. In the past our interdisciplinary conference has drawn participants from colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. Areas of interest have been: anthropology, architecture, art, economics, education, film, geography, history, Jewish studies, literature, music, philosophy, politics, religion, society, sociology, and theater. New work in progress is appropriate for our workshop format. Each speaker is typically allotted a 50-minute slot divided between a presentation and active discussion. Junior faculty and advanced graduate students are particularly encouraged to participate.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Dr. Barbara J. Falk, Associate Professor of Defense Studies at the Canadian Forces College, and author of The Dilemmas of Dissidence in East-Central Europe: Citizen Intellectuals and Philosopher-Kings (2003). Dr. Falk writes on topics ranging from terrorism and security law and policy to political trials and non-violent forms of dissent. Her talk will highlight her new work on the political theories of Václav Havel and his concepts of power, truth and responsibility. These topics are as urgent and relevant as ever with the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution approaching in the midst of global political upheaval. (

The deadline for submitting proposals is January 11, 2019.

Applications should include this information (please format the pages into a single pdf file):

Full address
Institutional affiliation
Email address
Paper title
Paper abstract of approximately 250 words
Short Curriculum vitae (up to 3 pages)

Please also indicate whether or not you have attended a Czech & Slovak Studies Workshop in the past.


For selected participants, accommodations and some meals in Austin will be provided from April 4-7, 2019. Participants will be asked to cover their own travel expenses to Austin. Limited travel funds may be available for PhD students studying at US and Canadian universities.


Program Committee:

Zachary Doleshal, History, Sam Houston State University

Christian Hilchey, Slavic and Eurasian Studies, UT-Austin

Kirsten Lodge, English, Midwestern State University

Mary Neuburger, History & Slavic and Eurasian Studies, UT-Austin

Kimberly Zarecor, Architecture, Iowa State University


Application materials should be emailed to or mailed to:

Kimberly Zarecor

Department of Architecture
146 College of Design
Iowa State University

Ames, IA 50011


Any questions can be sent directly to Kimberly Zarecor at .


The workshop is generously funded by the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Center and the Czech Studies endowments at UT-Austin, with assistance from the Czechoslovak Studies Association and the Slovak Studies Association. 

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