As Another Year Draws to a Close...

A warm thanks to everyone who helped make a difficult year so rewarding
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As the academic year of 2020-2021 comes to a close, the calendars in many of our offices still show March of last year. It has been a challenging year for us all. And yet it has also been a year of aid, of compassion, and of kindness beyond belief. We here at CAS would like to thank everyone who carved time out of their busy lives to attend one of our events. You lifted our spirits with your pixelated smiles.

Marchand Poster from February Event
Landry Poster for March Event
Helfferich Poster

While our calendars were collecting dust in our offices, the Center for Austrian Studies and our partners were not. We would like to thank our incredible slate of speakers who reminded us of the importance of scholarship, our cosponsors from across the University of Minnesota, the Twin Cities, and our partners across the globe. If you missed any of our talks, many are available on the CAS YouTube channel.  

Rilke Poster
Tanzer Poster

We are cautiously optimistic that our fall programming will return to in-person, hybrid events. We are eager to see you all again, to talk together, and to continue to cultivate the interdisciplinary scholarship of which CAS is so proud. Whatever the fates have in store for us this fall, we will have a great set of events. Please keep an eye on the Center’s website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts to keep up with the latest news and events from the Center for Austrian Studies.    

Thank you all once again. Be well this summer, and we will see you this fall! 

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