In-service Workshops

The Minnesota Writing Project proudly partners with schools and districts around the state. These workshop sessions are customized to meet needs and interests, including specific grade levels, demographics, and teaching backgrounds. All sessions include writing and are interactive. We begin with a conversation with districts to understand their context and the scope of their goals. From there, we discuss what the Minnesota Writing Project can offer, whether it’s tailoring a program we’ve already developed or creating something new. Some of our most popular programs include:

  • College, Career, and Community Writer’s Program: Creating Respectful Discourse for Change in the 21st Century
  • Pathway to Academic Success: Supporting Multilingual Learners in Mainstream Classes
  • Embedding Mechanics in Writing Instruction
  • Whiteness and Antiracism: Beyond White Privilege Pedagogy
  • Building Formative and Summative Writing Assessments
  • Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum
  • Antiracist Writing Pedagogy