English Major Spotlight: Han Mallek

An English-Linguistics double major, this Tower Managing Editor encourages you to submit creative work to the lit arts magazine
Image of person in dark shorts and light short-sleeved shirt with gold strap over chest, short hair and mask, holding cane, in window-walled space with multi-colored ribbons hanging vertically; streetscape visible beyond glass

Year: Senior

Hometown: Stevens Point, WI

Why did you choose to major in English?

On a whim, I decided to take an "Introduction to Poetry" class, because I’ve always enjoyed creative writing. I was already majoring in Linguistics. I loved the class so much that not only did I decide to minor in creative writing, but I started to pursue a double major in English as well. I feel at home among fellow writers and literary enthusiasts.

What has been your favorite part of your experience in the department?

I’m currently a managing editor for The Tower—the undergraduate literary and arts magazine at the U—as a part of ENGL 3711 "Literary Magazine Production Lab." It’s been incredible! It’s so rewarding to work within the editing team towards a concrete goal. I’ve already learned a lot about the publishing industry after only a couple months of the course. (Speaking of which, The Tower is currently accepting submissions!)

Are you pursuing any majors, minors, internships, or interests outside your English major?

I’m in my third year of being an officer for Wesley Foundation, a UMN student organization. The group has a very special place in my heart, and the leadership experience has proven invaluable for my aforementioned position in the literary magazine. I have also been working in Archives and Special Collections at Andersen Library for a couple years. There’s something very compelling about preserving people’s stories and history that falls in line with my desire to appreciate and analyze stories as an English major.

What is a favorite book you read for an English class?

Not a book, but I read the poem "No More Cake Here" by Natalie Diaz for class, and it instantly became a favorite of mine.

What English course would you recommend for majors? For non-majors who want to take an English class?

For majors and non-majors alike, I would recommend ENGL 3017 "The American Food Revolution in Literature and Television." Dan Philippon is an excellent professor.

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