English Major Spotlight: Kaitlyn Dobbins

This University of Minnesota Press intern is gaining an understanding of the publishing field
Head and shoulders photo of a younger person with light skin and light hair with glasses standing in front of water and green trees

Year: senior

Hometown: New Brighton, MN

Why did you choose to major in English?

I have always been fascinated by writing's capacity to elicit emotions from others. I believed an English major would give me more opportunities to explore the subtleties of the written word. It also doesn't hurt that I love to read, and most of my homework is reading!

What has been your favorite part of your experience in the department?

My favorite part of working with the English department is how knowledge from different classes begins to meld and complement each other. A writing skill I pick up in one class can help me analyze and interpret something better in another. It is always exciting when the skills you work so hard to gain actually have a use for the rest of your classes, and your life.

Are you pursuing any majors, minors, internships, or interests outside your English major?

I am currently pursuing an internship at the University of Minnesota Press. This internship has allowed me to gain valuable experience for a potential career in the publishing industry, and an understanding of the field I would have otherwise lacked.

What is a favorite book you read for an English class?

Ulysses by James Joyce.

If you studied abroad, what did you take away from the experience?

Studying abroad taught me to make the most out of every moment I have available. It taught me how to take adventure breaks. And that studying is best done on a balcony.

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