English Major Spotlight: Sarah Horner

A poet and former Editor-in-Chief at The Tower, this senior looks forward to a career in publishing
Head and shoulders; Person with shoulder length curly brown hair and bangs; pale skin; wearing a black sweater, pendant necklace, and pearl earrings; person smiling in front of a burgundy background

Year: Senior

Hometown: Plymouth, MN

Why did you choose to major in English?

Since I was very young, I’ve loved reading and writing. I entered college with the goal of studying something I had a genuine passion for, so English was the logical choice! I feel really lucky to enjoy all of my classes and to (sometimes) even look forward to my homework.

What has been your favorite part of your experience in the department?

I absolutely loved working as Editor-in-Chief for The Tower. Not only did I learn valuable skills for my future career, but I also got to read tons of incredible work from other student writers! I’d highly recommend the course to anyone interested in creative writing or publishing—it’s so much fun. It doesn’t even feel like a class.

Are you pursuing any majors, minors, internships, or interests outside your English major? 

In addition to English, I am pursuing a second major in strategic communication, as well as a minor in creative writing and the Certificate in Editing and Publishing. My degree plan is a mouthful, but it all fits together really well when it comes to preparing me for the publishing world. I also intern as a managing editor for CLA’s Office of Institutional Advancement, which is another great way to get some experience. Finally, in my free time, I write fiction and poetry.

What is a favorite book you read for an English class?

Maybe Jane Eyre! I don’t really view the book as a romance, but more an interesting look into the lives of women in the nineteenth century—with some excellent Gothicism. And, of course, I am fascinated by Bertha Mason, the original “madwoman” character that shaped so many novels to follow.

What is your favorite thing about Pillsbury Hall?

The fourth floor is amazing. I’ve been lucky enough to have some classes in the attic, and I love going to events and readings there. It’s such a perfect space for English majors!

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