Educator Resources

These units, lesson plans, websites and resource lists have been developed by licensed K-12 teachers in conjunction with Institute for Global Studies professional development opportunities. Lessons are linked to state standards.

Units and Lessons Developed by the Globalizing Curriculum Elementary Social Studies Cohort, led by Dr. Jeff Henning-Smith, Summer 2023

Fighting Injustices Locally and Globally

Units and Lessons Developed by the Globalizing Curriculum Elementary Social Studies Cohort, led by Dr. Jeff Henning-Smith, Summer 2022

Making Connections Near and Far

Lesson Plans and Units on award winning books developed by NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellows Alumni, for Globalizing Rural Teacher Training Programs, a collaboratiion with Dr. Kathrina O'Connell at Bemidji State University, Spring 2022

Lesson Plans and Units Developed by Teaching for Action Human Rights and Civic Engagement in Our Global Communities Cohort, a collaboration with the Institute for World Affairs at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and the National Youth Leadership Council, Spring 2021

Units and Lessons Developed by the Globalizing Curriculum Elementary Social Studies Cohort for CHAINED THE STORY OF PRODUCTS, PLACES, and FORGOTTEN PEOPLE, led by Dr. Jeff Henning-Smith, Summer 2021 

Units and Lessons Developed by the Globalizing Curriculum for Elementary Social Studies Cohort; YOUTH ACTIVISM AROUND THE WORLD, led by Dr. Jeff Henning-Smith, Summer 2020

Units and Lessons Developed by the Exceptional Virtual Lessons with Global Content Cohort, Summer 2020 (elementary-community college)

Units and Lessons Developed by the Empowering Students to Improve the World Cohort, June 2019

Units and Lessons Developed by the Minneapolis Public School Global Learning Fellows, 2018-2019

Units and Lesson Plans on Teaching Issues of Social Justice

Units and Lesson Plans about Africa  

African Literature

Award-Winning Books for K-12 Students on Global Topics

Children’s Africana Book Awards

Since 1991, these awards honor outstanding books on Africa published or republished in the United States. View past winners.

Middle East Outreach Council Book Awards

Since 1999, these awards recognize books for children and young adults that contribute meaningfully to understanding of the Middle East. View past winners.

Américas Award: Consortium of Latin American Studies Program

Since 1993, these awards recognize books for children and young adults that portray Latin America, the Caribbean, or Latinos in the United States, and to provide teachers with recommendations for classroom use. View past winners.

Website for 2016 Summer Institute Africa in the Classroom

Resources including maps, data, lesson plans, service learning, and more can be found on the Africa in the Classroom website.

Other Sites for Internationalizing Curriculum

Library of Congress primary sources
Asia Society resources and lesson plans on global education

Internationalizing Social Studies a list of all Title VI National Resource Center educator resource websites