Additional Resources

  • #Microsyllabus: Immigration Enforcement and the U.S.-Mexico BorderThe Abusable Past blog, Radical History Review, September 11, 2019 (Co-authored by María Cristina García, Erika Lee, Adam Goodman, Maddalena Marinari, and Evan Taparata)
  • Deportation Timeline
  • Minneapolis Immigrant Neighborhood Walking tour guide.* Inside you will find a tour map that gives a brief explanation of each of the 14 stops. You will also find a short list of materials (books, newspaper and journal articles, websites, etc.) for young and adult readers. As you follow this tour, we ask that you take the time to look, smell, and hear what is going on around you. This is still an immigrant community, though from different parts of the world than 100 years ago. What commonalities do you find between these East Side immigrants past and present?  *File is in .pdf format, fitted to legal-size paper.