Open House to Reintroduce Jones 127A – Now a Zoom Room
Friday, September 20, 2019
9:00 – 10:45 am
Jones 127A or online
You are invited to join us in person or online to see the Language Center’s first Zoom Room, Jones 127A. So, what is a Zoom Room?
It is a software-based room system that provides an integrated experience for video conferencing and wireless screen sharing. It is designed to use Zoom easily, although other web conferencing programs like WebEx can be used.
The new Jones 127A is a small classroom designed for receiving CourseShare courses, but it can also be used to send small classes. Features include:
- Flexible seating for seven, including a small instructor table
- A Polycom Studio camera with speaker tracking that follows the action in the room
- A 75 inch monitor
- Wireless screen sharing and a document camera
- A simple iPad touch control system
When classes are not in session, the room may be reserved for meetings and private exams.
You can tour the new space on September 20 in person or via Zoom. The room is small, so it won’t take long! Coffee will be served for in-person attendees.