CourseShare: New Opportunities & Last Call for Spring 2021

Students and Advisors: Registration for received CourseShare courses is winding down. Because of different academic schedules at partner universities, and to ensure that students receive timely access to course materials, registration ends earlier than regular university classes. Registration for all classes will be closed by the end of this week.

The good news is that there are a couple of new opportunities for students who can register quickly!

  • LANG 3232 Advanced Hebrew II: Israeli Music
  • LANG 2073 Accelerated Polish for Heritage Speakers
  • LANG 1132 Beginning Yiddish II

It is too late to request a new language course for Spring 2021, but it’s a great time to inquire about Fall 2021. Please email to get started. Students who are considering a CourseShare class next academic year are advised to explore the possibility of FLAS funding by visiting

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