Language Center and CourseShare Virtual Front Desk

Do you need to chat with the Language Center about CourseShare, TandemPlus, digitization requests, upcoming events or nearly anything else?

Beginning Monday, August 24, 2020, you can join our Virtual Front Desk at!

Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm every day the university is open for business, the Language Center will be available for live one-to-one Zoom meetings. When you click on the z-link, you will join a waiting room and someone will be with you as soon as possible.

Not interested in using Zoom to ask a simple question? Don’t worry, email still works! You can always email and we will answer your question or forward your email to the department or program that can help you.

We do not recommend using the Virtual Front Desk for student Language Testing questions. Students who have questions about test registration or their results should visit to see if the answer to their question is online or initiate contact with the Testing team.

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