Tip of the Day: Tips for Remote Assessment and Other Lessons from the Past Year

As we approach the end of a fully remote academic year, we're asking instructors and programs to reflect on what they have learned from the experience. In the first in a series of Tip of the Day posts, Monica Frahm, the Director of the Language Testing Program, and her team, including Mary Gilchrist, Anna Hubbard and Joanne Peltonen, are sharing some tips they have picked up from a year of administering all of their proficiency tests remotely. Their remote proctoring system uses a combination of live proctors and technology (Proctorio, Zoom) to administer proficiency tests in listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

What have you learned from the previous year? With the shift to online and remote teaching, instructors have explored new tools and modified teaching practices. Some changes have been big, others have been small. Which tools, activity types, and practices have you embraced and do you want to use in the future?  Pick one (big or small) and tell us about it!

There is also another new post, a follow up to last week’s introduction to Google Sites:

And More: The University Relations blog has a post titled Keeping Internal Communications in the Spotlight with ideas for effective internal communications. Their thoughtful advice can be applied in many settings, including the classroom.

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