CourseShare: Planning for Fall 2020

Instructors: are you interested in potentially sharing your course beyond the University of Minnesota?

Advisors: are your students looking for a language that they can’t find on Schedule Builder?

CourseShare may be the answer, and it’s not too early to begin preparing for Fall 2020!

The university is an active participant in the Big Ten Academic Alliance CourseShare program, which uses technology to send and receive less commonly taught language and culture courses with partner institutions. Sending courses expands the profile of our language and culture programs, and increases and diversifies their audience. Receiving courses provides students with access to courses they need for their academic and career goals, and connects them with students and scholars across the country. 

CourseShare is administered by the Language Center, through collaboration with academic departments. Our staff provides support both for instructors teaching in the program and for students enrolling in a shared language course. Instructors can contact Stephanie Treat at to see if their course might be a good fit to share with another institution. Students can register for courses received from other institutions through the LANG course subject and request a new course by emailing

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