Zoom, Language Learning and the Language Center

Zoom is now the university’s system-wide web conferencing program. Its ease of use and high video and audio quality make it a great fit for language education. The university and Zoom have provided a wealth of resources about the program. Here are four of the most useful for language instructors:

Students can easily join scheduled meetings. Here are two short and handy resources to get them started:

Here are some Zoom-friendly resources at the Language Center:

  • The walk-in Multimedia Lab, which has headset microphones at all computer stations (and does not require absolute silence)

  • A small pool of web conferencing check out equipment in Jones 110

  • The Jones small rooms, most of which offer conferencing technology 

  • Two classrooms: Jones 30 and 35, include conferencing technology

  • Four computer classrooms, which can be used to include students in Breakout Rooms

Breakout Rooms are an effective method of increasing students’ speaking practice. Instructors can seamlessly split students into separate sessions for paired or small group discussion, and then bring them back together to for full-class discussion. Breakout Rooms are most frequently used when all participants are remote, but this feature could be incorporated into a computer classroom activity in Jones. If you are interested in exploring this idea, please contact Adolfo Carrillo Cabello at carri093@umn.edu and note Zoom Breakout Room on your reservation request form.

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