Graduate Students

Our students are bright, success-oriented achievers who bring a broad mixture of skills, experiences, and interests. Some begin with little or no background in GIS. Others are already working in the field. MGIS students have undergraduate degrees from a variety of disciplinary areas including the humanities, social sciences, and natural/physical sciences. Some of our students founded the GIS Student Organization (GISSO), which sponsors a GIS Day event in the fall and a job and career fair in the spring.

Name Previous Degree & Specialty
Andrew Arlt
Fall 2023
Gustavus Adolphus College, BA Biology
Habitat restoration and mitigation/climate change, GIS education
Carson Backhus
Fall 2024
Grinnell College, BA History and French
GIS and history, geovisualization
Emily Bender
Fall 2023
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, BA Psychology
Environmental science, geospatial analysis and modeling
Laure Briol
Fall 2023
Gustavus Adolphus College, BA Geography
Transportation and public health GIS, geospatial analysis and modeling
Shana Crosson
Spring 2022
Carleton College, BA History
GIS education using geospatial technology
Max Forsman
Fall 2024
University of Minnesota - Duluth, BS Biology
GIS and urban sustainability and planning
Logan Gall
Fall 2023
University of Minnesota, BS Data Science
Spatial data science, geovisualization
Eric Gibson
Spring 2023
University of South Florida, BGeosciences Environmental Science & Policy
Spatial modeling; geovisualization; environmental conservation applications
Ellie Gunderson
Fall 2024
University of Minnesota - Morris, BA Mathematics
Geospatial analysis and modeling, geovisualization
Christian Hagenswold
Fall 2024
Trinity University, BA Environmental Studies
Geospatial analysis and remote sensing, natural resource management
Chris Heins
Fall 2024
University of Minnesota, BS Environmental Sciences, Polcy and Management
Geoengineering and storm water management, spatial data science
Amad Jalloh
Fall 2024
Gustavus Adolphus College, BS Geography
Geospatial analysis, GIS application to social activism and justice
Vanessa Jimenez
Fall 2024
Brigham Young University (Idaho), BA History
Geospatial modeling and analysis, GIS application to public history and social justice
Tim Johnson
Fall 2024
University of Minnesota, BGEO Geoengineering
Spatial data science, GIS and geology/transportation
Isabel Keefe
Fall 2024
University of Minnesota, BS Earth Science
Geospatial modeling and analysis, natural resource management
Greg Kohler
Fall 2023
University of Minnesota, BS Urban Studies
Urban planning, public works, geospatial analysis and modeling
Ben Landers
Fall 2024
University of Western Ontario, BA Environmental Health/Geography
Geospatial technologies and environmental sustainability
Tzu-Yu Ma
Fall 2022
Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, Taiwan, BEng Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Natural disaster management; geovisualization and spatial analysis
Kyle Olson
Spring 2023
University of Minnesota, BA Political Science
Spatial data science; spatial modeling and analysis
Evan Rock
Fall 2024
Carleton College, BA Geology
Spatial modeling and analysis, education, makerspaces
Aleksei Rozanov
Fall 2024
Ural Federal University - Russia, BS Hydrometeorology; ITMO University, MS Big Data and Machine Learning
Geospatial AI, spatial data science, GIS application to natural systems/renewable energy
Leah Rumon
Fall 2024
University of St. Thomas, BA Geography and GIS
Geospatial modeling and analysis, geovisualization
Lucy Sageser
Spring 2023
Macalester College, BA Geography
Urban and social justice applications; geovisualization; spatial analysis
Nicole Schiller
Fall 2022
University of Minnesota, BS Biology
GIS and precision agriculture/natural resource management
Eli Schlossberg
Fall 2024
University of Wisconsin, BS Mathematics; University of Minnesota, MS Mathematics
GIS development, spatial data science, natural resource management
Kyle Smith
Spring 2023
University of California-Irvine, BA Political Science; California Polytechnic-Pomona, Masters of Urban and Regional Planning
Spatial modeling and analysis; urban planning applications
Cleo Young
Fall 2024
Macalester College, BA Political Science
Geospatial modeling and analysis, GIS application to natural systems/renewable energy