Professor Adriana Zabala Performs in Daniel Catan's "Florencia en el Amazonas"

Adriana Zabala
Photo Credit: Angel Mannion
Adriana Zabala (voice) sang the role of Paula in San Diego Opera's production of Daniel Catan's Florencia en el Amazonas, at the San Diego Civic Theater in March 2018. She debuted the role with Arizona Opera and will repeat it with Madison Opera. Minnesota native and recent Mondays @ Minnesota guest Joseph Mechavich conducted. Professor Zabala also gave a master class for the young artists of the San Diego Opera.

The Times of San Diego: “The singing is potent throughout, and the acting is strong as well…Mezzo-soprano Zabala brings a kind of world-weary maturity to her musical moments of sorrowful regret and joyful reunion.”




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