Professor Meza Performs and Records with the Minnesota Orchestra and More

Fernando Meza

Fernando Meza (percussion) recently performed with the Minnesota Orchestra under the direction of Osmo Vänskä for the recording of Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 1. Meza has also been invited to perform for the next recording of the orchestra in June when they will record Mahler's Symphony No. 4, as well as to join them for their upcoming tour of London (for a performances at the Proms) and South Africa (Cape Town, Pretoria, Soweto, and Johannesburg) in August. Meza was recently in Bozeman, Montana, as a guest clinician and conductor for the Percussion Ensemble of the AA High School Band Festival, and will travel to Utah in April to offer master classes and perform with the percussion ensemble of the Southern Utah University under the direction of Lynn Vartan.

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