Scholarship Supports an Aspiring Writer

Portrait of Lily Hart.
Photo by Phuong Tran, CLAgency student.

Majoring in history and English and minoring in creative writing, Lily Hart talks about the importance that scholarships have played in her educational journey. Further, her involvement in the Family History Club on campus has been revolutionary in developing her writing and presentation skills. Believing that writing and history stem from great developments of communication, Hart looks forward to publishing some of her own history pieces one day.

Majors: History and English

Minor: Creative Writing

Graduation year: 2019

What drives you? What are you passionate about? 

I am really passionate about sharing stories with other people. To me, writing and history are extensions of great conversations.

What scholarships, fellowships, or other awards aided your educational journey?

I have been fortunate enough to have received the CLA Alumni Match Scholarship, which has affected me significantly over the past four years. I also received an internship and many valuable learning experiences through the Dean’s First-Year Research and Creative Scholars program. Lastly, while studying abroad in London, I received another grant from an archive center that I interned for, the Westminster City Archives.

To me, the financial support that I’ve received has emphasized the University’s commitment to improve students outside of the classroom. I have learned so much in the classroom, but having that actual internship makes me feel more confident as I approach graduation.

What experiences have helped you grow intellectually and/or personally?

Being a part of the Family History Club on campus has taught me so much. Joining a research group to better my skills and learn about my family’s personal history has prepared me for every paper and presentation that I’ve worked on. 

I also grew exponentially during my year abroad in London. I had a variety of amazing internships and classes, which allowed me to see all the sights and history that I’ve spent so much time learning about. I worked at the Handel & Hendrix Museum as well as the Westminster City Archives. Working at the Westminster City Archives, specifically, allowed me to not only be a tourist, but also a tour guide. 

These experiences also proved to me that I can settle in basically anywhere. I found myself feeling at home in classes, museums, and airports alike, giving me the momentum I needed to appreciate every day and work at a fast pace.

What’s next after graduation? 

My plan after graduation is to take all my writing and history stories and get them out into the world. I’d like to work as a writer for film and television. I want to work with creative people, make projects that I’m proud of, and not miss anything interesting along the way. The College of Liberal Arts has prepared me well to adapt, work hard, and recognize what I am passionate about.

This story is part of a larger article. Read more at Scholarships Offer a Gateway for Students to Further Explore Their Interests.

This story was written by an undergraduate student in CLA.

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