Undergraduate Minor in Religious Studies

The minor in religious studies provides students in other majors to acquire some expertise in the critical study of religion. The minor requires five courses, with a minimum of 15 3xxx-5xxx level credits, configured as indicated below.

How to Apply

Ready to declare the minor? Contact RELS Director of Undergraduate Studies, Nathanael Homewood, at [email protected] to begin the process.

Questions? Contact RELS Director of Undergraduate Studies, Nathanael Homewood, at [email protected].


  • RELS 3001W: Theory and Methods in the Study of Religion (3 credits), or an equivalent approved by the director of undergraduate studies.
  • Four more courses at or above the 3xxx-level, in which the study of religion or religion in its socio-cultural context serves as a primary focus (minimum 12 credits).

Note: The purpose of the religious studies minor is to expose students to a diversity of religious traditions; therefore, at least two traditions must be represented among these four courses.

  • All courses must be taken A/F (no S/N grades)
  • All minor courses must be graded C- or higher, with a minimum GPA in the minor of 2.0
  • Transfer students must take at least three of the five courses at the University of Minnesota (or with U of M residence credits for study abroad)
  • Final clearance from the director of undergradute studies is required prior to graduation.