Previous Lectures

Buehler-Martin Lectureship

Year Speaker Lecture Titles

Hadley Wickham
RStudio, Stanford University, University of Auckland

Roger Peng
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

5/7: dplyr: One Language, Many Implementations


5/6: Reproducible Research: What Have We Learned in 20 Years?


James Robins
Harvard University

Elizabeth Halloran
University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

5/3: On Assumption-Free Tests and Confidence Intervals for Causal Effects Estimated with Machine Learning

5/2: From Dependent Happenings to Causal Inference with Interference

Douglas Nychka
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Richard Smith 
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

5/4: Large and Non-stationary Spatial Fields: Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate Models

5/4: Influence of Climate Change on Extreme Weather Events


Vince Clark
University of New Mexico

Martin Lindquist
Johns Hopkins University

5/6: Neuroimaging Combined with Neurostimulation: New Methods for Verifying and Utilizing the Causal Connections Between Brain and Behavior

5/6: Brain Signatures and Models in Translational Neuroimaging

2016 Xuming He
Department of Statistics, University of Michigan
3/29: From Statistical downscaling to Multivariate Quantiles
3/31: Model-Based Inference in Subgroup Analysis
2015 Lynn Y.S. Lin
Lynn Y.S. Lin Statistical Consulting, Inc.
3/25: How Did I Get Into New Product Sales Forecasting Business?
2014 Bruce Lindsday
Penn State University
3/10: Mixture models: the data story, the mysteries, and the surprises
3/12: Sufficient projections through a Fisherian information matrix
2013 Michael Newton
University of Wisconsin, Madison
3/26: Why Don't We Agree? Studying Influenza with RNA Interference
3/27: Decoding Functional Signals with the Role Model
3/28: Probabilities Over Ranks of Gamma or Normal Random Variables
2011 (Fall) Adrian Raftery
Professor of Statistics and Sociology, University of Washington
10/25: Fast Inference for Model-Based Clustering of Networks Using an Approximate Case-Control Likelihood
10/26: Probabilistic Projection of Life Expectancy for All Countries to 2100 
10/27: Probabilistic Weather Forecasting Using Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging
2011 (Spring) Jianqing Fan
Princeton University
4/19: A Statistician's Guide to Vast-dimensional Space
4/20: Refitted Cross-validation in Ultrahigh Dimensional Regression
4/21: Control of the False Discovery Rate Under Arbitrary Covariance Dependence
2010 John Rice
University of California at Berkeley
4/12: Measuring Traffic
4/14: Statistics of the Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey
4/15: Searching for Gamma-Ray Pulsars: Detecting Periodicity in a Point Process
2009 Trevor Hastie
Stanford University
3/9: Modern Trends in Data Mining
3/10: Regularization Paths and Coordinate Descent (joint work with Jerome Friedman and Rob Tibshirani)
2008 Lawrence D. Brown
Wharton School University of Pennsylvania
4/29: In-Season Prediction of Batting Averages: A Field-test of Basic Empirical Bayes and Bayes Methodologies
4/30: Non-parametric Empirical Bayes and Compound Bayes Estimation of Independent Normal Means
5/1: A Root-Unroot Algorithm for Nonparametric Density Estimation and an Implementation via Adaptive Wavelet Block Thresholding
2007 Michael Titteringten
University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
4/10: Pearson the Elder - A Statistical Giant
4/11: Variational approximations in incomplete-data problems
4/12: Bayesian measures of complexity, and model selection, based on incomplete data
2006 Peter McCullagh
University of Chicago
3/20: Some Remarks About Spatial Correlation of Crop Yields
3/22: Partition Models and Cluster Processes
3/23: Random Partitions and Logistic Classification
2005 Raymond J. Carroll
Texas A & M
3/29: Measuring Diet: Is it Possible?
3/30: Longitudinal and Clustered Data and Non/Semiparametric Regression
3/31: Semiparametric Methods for Gene-environment Case-control Studies When Gene and Environment Are Independent in the Population
2004 Elizabeth Thompson
University of Washington
4/19: Inferring Relationships Among Populations and Individuals
4/20: The Structure of Pedigree Data and the Detection of Linkage
4/22: Monte Carlo Likelihood in Genetic Mapping
2003 Peter Hall
Australian National University
4/29: Nonparametric Methods for Estimating Light Curves for Periodic Variable Stars
4/30: Statistical Inference in High-Dimensional, Low Sample Size Settings
5/1: Testing for Equality of Distributions in Very High Dimensions
2001 David Freedman
University of California
4/16: Statistical Issues in Census 2000
4/17: The Swine Flu Vaccine and Guillain-Barre syndrome
4/19: Salt and Blood Pressure: Conventional Wisdom Reconsidered
1999 (Fall) Bradley Efron
Stanford University
1999 (Spring) James O. Berger
Duke University
1998 John Hartigan
Yale University
1997 Grace Wahba
University of Wisconsin
1994 Anthony Atkinson
London School of Economics, UK
1993 John Aitchison
University of Virginia
1992 A.W.F. Edwards
University of Cambridge, UK

Seymour Geisser Distinguished Lectures

Year Speaker Title
2023 James Hodges
University of Minnesota
Provocative Observations About the Foundations of Statistics
2022 Francesca Chiaromonte
Penn State University
In Awe of Today's Data: Reducing, Selecting, Leveraging Structures- and Looking Ahead
2018 Steven MacEachern
Ohio State University
A Brief Tour of Bayesian Nonparametrics
2017 Merlise A. Clyde
Duke University
Bayesian Model Choice: Past, Present, Future
2016 Rob Weiss
Department of Biostatistics, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Analysis of Hierarchical Sexual Behavior Profiles over Time
2015 Ron Christensen
University of New Mexico
Another look at the lasso
2014 Joseph Ibrahim
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Likelihood-based Methods for Missing Data and Bayesian Model Assessment
2013 Rob McCulloch
University of Chicago
The volatility of financial instruments centered on the tools of predictivism
2012 Ed George
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
EMVS: The EM Approach to Bayesian Variable Selection
2012 Jeff Rosenthal
University of Toronto
Adapting Metropolis Algorithms and Gibbs Samplers
2010 Wesley Johnson
University of California, Irvine
On the Value of Incorporating Scientific Input in Modeling and Data Analysis and How to Do It Without Pain
2009 Jayanta Ghosh
Purdue University
Two Groups and One Group Models for Multiple Tests for Microarrays and Other Examples...a Survey and New Results
2008 Malay Ghosh
University of Florida
Objective Priors: a selective review
2007 Teddy Seidenfeld
Carnegie Mellon University
Conditional Independence, Imprecise Probabilities, Null-Events, and Graph-Theoretic Models
2006 Philip Dawid
University College London
Interpreting DNA profile evidence in complex disputed paternity cases: Bayesian networks to the rescue (Joint work with Julia Mortera and Paola Vicard, Universitá Roma Tre)
2005 James O. Berger
Duke University
Something Old and Something New: Bivariate Normal and Computer Models