Sample Course Titles
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- 1001 Asian Film and Animation [AH, GP]
- 1201 Arrow, Fist, and Sword: Conceptions of the Hero in Asian Cultures [GP, LITR]
- 1601 Culture and Fashion in India
- 1806 Modern Arab Cultures and Societies
- 1911W Mind and Muscle: Philosophy and the Martial Arts
- 1912 Fashioning Islam in Literature and Culture
- 3001 Reading Asian Cultures
- 3232W “Short” Poetry in China and Japan [WI]
- 3265W The Fantastic in East Asia: Ghosts, Foxes, and the Alien [LITR, WI]
- 3336 Revolution and Modernity in Chinese Literature and Culture [LITR, GP]
- 3337 Contemporary Chinese Literature and Popular Culture [LITR, GP]
- 3351 Martial Arts in Chinese Literature and Film
- 3356W Chinese Film [AH, WI]
- 3362 Women Writers in Chinese History
- 3372/HIST 3469 History of Women and Family in China, 1600-2000
- 3373/HIST 3466 Religion and Society in Imperial China
- 3374 Patterns in Chinese Cultural History
- 3377 A Thousand Years of Buddhism in China: Beliefs, Practices, and Culture
- 3433W Traditional Japanese Literature in Translation [LITR, WI]
- 3436 Postwar Japanese Literature in Translation [LITR]
- 3437 The Japanese Novel [LITR, GP]
- 3441W Japanese Theater [AH, WI]
- 3442 Performing Arts in Japan and Their Cultural Backgrounds [GP]
- 3456 Japanese Film [GP]
- 3458 Japanese Animation [GP]
- 3467 Science Fiction, Empire, Japan
- 3468 Environment, Technology and Culture in Modern Japan [ENV]
- 3478/HIST 3471 Modern Japan: Meiji to the Present (1868-2000) [HIS]
- 3536 Modern Korean Literature [LITR, GP]
- 3556 Korean Film [AH, GP]
- 3576 Language and Society of the Two Koreas
- 3586 Cold War Cultures in Korea
- 3636 South Asian Women Writers
- 3637W Modern Indian Literature [LITR, GP, WI]
- 3638 Islam and Modernity South Asia
- 3651 Ghosts of India [GP]
- 3672 Buddhism [GP]
- 3679 Religion and Society in Modern South Asia
- 3772 Hmong Language and Culture Immersion in China
- 3773 Hmong Language and Culture Immersion in Thailand [GP]
- 3776/HIST 3483 Hmong History Across the Globe
- 3820 Topics in Arab Culture (topics vary)
- 3832 The Politics of Arabic Poetry [LITR, GP]
- 3856W Palestinian Literature and Film [WI, GP]
- 3866/AAS 3866 Arab American Experiences
- 3867 Orientalism and the Arab World
- 3868 Culture and Society of the Arabian Peninsula
- 3900 Topics in Asian Literature (topics vary)
- 3920 Topics in Asian Culture (topics vary)