
Give Now

For more information on ways to give, contact:

Peter Rozga

CLA Institutional Advancement
220 Johnston Hall
101 Pleasant Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected]

Read the case statement for the Department of Economics.

You Make Us Great

The Department of Economics at the University of Minnesota ranks among the top eleven departments in the US and shares this ranking with just two other public institutions. Your support helps us to sustain this excellence and educate the next generation of leading academics, policymakers, and business executives around the world.

Your tax-deductible gift helps us provide our students with a powerful education in economics, with a solid grounding in the liberal arts, and enables our esteemed faculty to do the scholarly research that deepens understanding of global economic issues and ensures the department's continued international stature.

What Your Gift Can Do

Your contribution allows us to ensure:

  • A distinguished faculty: creating endowed chairs and professorships and supporting interdisciplinary research centers and programs will help us recruit and retain outstanding faculty.
  • Excellence and competitiveness of our graduate program: faculty choose institutions that attract the best graduate students. We need to ensure the excellence and competitiveness of our graduate programs so that we may compete for the best faculty and brightest students.
  • A diverse and engaged undergraduate student body: although we are attracting better students than ever before, too many other outstanding students choose other institutions—often for financial reasons. Merit and need-based scholarships are needed to recruit many outstanding students.

Choose a Fund

There are a number of ways your gift can help support our faculty and students—the next generation of leaders and thinkers—in the Department of Economics and the Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute:

  • Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute Program Fund
    This fund supports outreach through roundtables, conferences and policy briefs and supports faculty and student research.
  • John S. Chipman Fellowship
    This fellowship, created to honor Regents Professor Chipman's 52 years of teaching and research at the U, supports graduate students.
  • Tom Sargent Professorship
    This professorship, created to honor Professor Tom Sargent, the 2011 Nobel Laureate, supports distinguished faculty.
  • Department of Economics Annual Fund
    This fund supports areas of most critical need in the department.