Location & Offices

Main Office

Pillsbury Hall

310 Pillsbury Dr. SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Summer Hours

Monday-Thursday, 9 am-4 pm

Closed Friday

The Department of English is located in Pillsbury Hall on the East Bank campus of the University of Minnesota. See a list of our support and administrative staff.

Undergraduate Studies, Advising, & Main Office

112 Pillsbury Hall

Phone: 612-625-3363

Fax: 612-624-8228

Undergraduate Studies: 612-625-4592

Email: englmaj@umn.edu

Graduate Studies Office

112 Pillsbury Hall

Phone: 612-625-3882

Email: gradeng@umn.edu

Creative Writing Program Office

112 Pillsbury Hall

Phone: 612-625-6366

Fax: 612-624-8228

Email: creawrit@umn.edu

Graduate student offices are located in Pillsbury 201 and 220.