English Major Spotlight: Sofia Vivas

Double-majoring has provided this student with opportunities "to reflect on the diversity that abounds in our world"
Photo of person with long brown hair, dark turtleneck, leaning on wood fence, with tan grassland and bare trees in background

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Chanhassen, MN

Why did you choose to major in English?

A love for books and stories has been a constant in my life, so becoming an English major felt inevitable—in the best way possible! Though I came into college telling myself a career in human resources was my future, I soon realized that to let go of my passion for literature upon graduation would be a grave mistake. For that reason, I’m still an English major, but now intent upon using my degree to become a high school English teacher.

Are you pursuing any majors, minors, internships, or interests outside your English major?

In addition to my English major, I am part of the English Education subdivision of the DirecTrack to Teaching Program. I am also a double-major in Spanish. Both of my degrees have already given me the opportunity to reflect on and learn more about the diversity that abounds in our world in terms of history, culture, and lived experience—all of which is knowledge I hope to one day engage in and discuss with future students.

What has been your favorite part of your experience in the department?

I love the small class sizes in the English department. That said, though the class sizes are small, the many options for classes that the department offers provide students with opportunities to tailor their English major to their interests and career goals.

What is a favorite book you read for an English class?

Bram Stoker’s Dracula was an absolute blast for ENGL 3001W!

What English course would you recommend for majors? For non-majors who want to take an English class?

To major and non-majors alike, I’d recommend any course taught by Dr. Ann Tandy-Treiber, as she brings such passion and joy to her work that it’s infectious. Specifically for non-majors, I’d recommend Professor Dan Philippon’s ENGL 3071: "The American Food Revolution in Literature and Television." Dan can make just about any topic interesting, and his care for his students doesn’t go unnoticed.

What is something about the English department that most people wouldn’t know?

Though I hope many English students are aware, FUSE (the English club here on campus) is more active than ever this year and would love to have more students participate in their study nights, game nights, and so much more!

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