Chimène Dupuis (she/her), MA Student

Migration studies, Post-colonialism, Francophone Literature, innovative teaching methods for language classrooms
Chimène Dupuis (she/her), MA Student

Joined the department as an exchange student in Fall 2022, started the MA program in Fall 2023.

The research interests I plan to pursue for my thesis are focusing on contemporary Francophone literature, comics and movies that deal with migration issues, post-colonialism and identity construction. I am interested in the construction of the colonial memory in the Belgian post-colonial society, through the exploration of diverse identities for Afro-descendants. By bringing together postcolonial and racial theories with various forms of cultural production, such as literature, media, social media, and comics, I study the impact of the colonial past on the construction of racial identities.  

I am also interested in innovative teaching methods for language classrooms and especially on the use of social media in language instruction to develop students' engagement and cultural awareness. I am currently investigating the ability of using TikTok video clips to increase learners’ cultural and sociolinguistic awareness of diversity within the francophone world, as well as pronunciation gains, communicative and interpretive skills, and engagement.

Dalola, A., & Dupuis, C. (2023, August 27). On apprend avec TikTok: A database of interactive short form media for your French courses. OER Commons. August, 2023,

“Using TikTok and Instagram Reels to Develop Linguistic and Cultural Awareness in Language Courses” at the University of Minnesota, Internationalizing the Campus and Curriculum Conference, on March, 22nd  2024.

"On apprend avec Tik Tok! 📷🤳: An #OER for Developing Linguistic and Cultural Awareness in French Courses” at the online Language OER Conference, University of Kansas,  on February, 17th  2024. 

Summer GAship from CARLA in 2023 to create an Open Educational Resource (OER) of TikTok video clips for Beginning French courses and write on article on "Using TikTok and Instagram Reels to support learning development and cultural awareness in Beginning French courses

Recipient of a scholarship for the CARLA Summer Institute 2023 : "Teaching Language Through the Lens of Social Justice". 

Graduate instructor in the French and Italian Department at the University of Minnesota

Graduate Representative in the Department of French & Italian at the University of Minnesota (AY 2022/2023 and 2023/2024) 

Montpellier Exchange program:

From Université Paul Valéry to University of Minnesota – 2022-2023

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