Magdala Lissa Jeudy: President's Postdoctoral Fellow

Magdala Lissa Jeudy

Magdala Lissa Jeudy (she/her/hers) is a 2021–22 President's Postdoctoral Fellow.


French and Italian

Undergraduate Institution

Columbia University

Doctoral Institution

Cornell University

Dissertation Title

Troubling Medicine

Research Interests

Magdala Lissa Jeudy earned her Ph.D. from Cornell University in Romance Studies in 2021. Her research focuses on the ways that French Naturalist narratives complicate our notions of normal, which define modern medical practices and philosophies from the nineteenth century to the present day. Her work is built on philological, historical, and intersectional approaches that aim to disrupt medical constructs of disability, gender, and race, to advance conversations about healthcare disparities and equity. As an educator, she is committed to a pedagogy that is a process of inquiry, which allows students to question their deeply entrenched assumptions, reconfigure concepts of normalcy, and accept the unique circumstances of others leading to recognition and celebration of diversity.

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