Key Things for Transfer Students to Know

There is more to transferring than just completing the admission requirements. Careful planning is key to minimizing unnecessary courses and extra time towards your degree. Here are some steps all transfer students should complete.
Determine which category of transfer student you are
Take a look at the Transfer Student Types, because the category you are in will determine the admissions process you should follow and which things to consider as you transfer.
Attend an Admissions information session and tour
These information sessions cover important information related to the applications process and will allow you to tour the campus to start to get a feel for whether this campus is a good fit for you.
Develop a timeline
Think about when it makes the most sense for you to transfer based on your intended major. Work backwards from that goal date to decide when to apply.
Review CLA degree requirements
Each college at the U of M follows the same set of Liberal Education requirements but some colleges, like CLA, have college-specific requirements. In CLA, these include a second language and 18 upper-division credits outside of your major designator for BA degrees.
Explore majors
With more than 60 majors, we have a lot options to consider! Take a look at our major pages to explore the various majors and minors in CLA and determine if this college is the right fit for you.
Find out how your credits will transfer
Review our Transfer Credit policies to determine how your credits from your previous institution will transfer to the U of M.
Decide how you want to be involved on campus
We encourage all students to get involved on campus. Research tells us that students that are involved on campus have better GPAs and report greater satisfaction with their college experience. Students are what make campus a lively, exciting place to be. Your level of involvement will depend on a number of personal factors such as where you are living, job and family responsibilities and other commitments you may have. Think about what being involved on campus looks like to you. Visit the U of M's Student Engagement site to start exploring engagement opportunities.
Decide who you need to contact
Contact Admissions for questions and information related to the admissions process, admissions deadlines, and status updates on your application. Talk to CLA Transfer Advisors for help with planning your major and degree.
Look into Financial Aid
The One Stop office on campus can help you with all of your financial aid questions. Contact them for information relating to FAFSA, scholarships, grants and using your GI Bill.
Apply for Housing
There is limited on-campus housing available for transfer students. You will want to apply for housing early if you would prefer to live on campus. If you are planning to rent an apartment, start researching where you want to live. If you are commuting, check out Parking and Transportation Services for information on parking contracts, bus options and biking information.