Cultivating Feminist Choices: A New Book in Honor of Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres

cover of Festchrift text Cultivating Feminist Choices

Several former graduate students, colleagues, and collaborators have published a Festschrift in honor of Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres, Professor Emerita, Department of German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch. The book, Cultivating Feminist Choices: A FEminiSTSCHRIFT in Honor of Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres, pays tribute to Joeres’s influence on the German Studies profession as well as to her influence on the contributors’ lives and the feminist choices they have made. Prof. Joeres is known for her feminist scholarly contributions to women’s writing in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. The book is available online and open access at: 

The book is also available in print in Wilson Library (HQ1627 .C85 2021). 

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