CourseShare for Fall 2020: Last Call!

CourseShare has launched its first fully online semester, with a record number of University of Minnesota (UMN) language classes shared in the Big Ten!

Most of the Fall 2020 classes received for UMN students are now well underway. However, there are still a few opportunities for students looking to add a late class. Registration will remain open for the following classes received from the University of Chicago through September 18, 2020. They are all two-credit classes that begin September 29, 2020: a perfect opportunity for students looking to sample a new language.

  • LANG 1201: Beginning Basque I
  • LANG 2011: Accelerated Catalan I
  • LANG 3012: Advanced Catalan: Language, Society and Culture
  • LANG 1081: Beginning Sanskrit I

Students can email to inquire about adding a new language class for Spring 2021 or Fall 2021.

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