Assessed Courses

The PACE program assesses students in Arabic, French, German, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish at key points in the language curriculum.

Depending on the course, students complete one to three self-assessments, a survey regarding students’ background, experience, and use of the target language, and one to three online ACTFL exams assessing speaking, reading, and/or listening.

Assessed Courses from Past Semesters

Students complete three self-assessments, a survey regarding students’ background, experience, and use of the target language, and three online ACTFL exams assessing speaking, reading, and listening. Data collection ended in Spring 2020.

Advanced Certificate students only

Advanced Certificate students only

ARAB 1102 and 4102 (3 sections)
FREN 3016
GER 1004 (3 sections)
KOR 3032
RUSS 3102 and RUSS 4112

Advanced Certificate students only

ARAB 3102, ARAB 4122 (grad course), and ARAB 5102
FREN 3016 and FREN 4101V & W
RUSS 3102 and RUSS 4112 (grad course)

Advanced Certificate students only

ARAB 1102, ARAB 3102, and ARAB 5102
FREN 1004 (4 sections), FREN 3016, and FREN 3521
GER 1004 (3 sections) and GER 3012W
KOR 3022, KOR 3032, and KOR 4042
PORT 1104, PORT 3001, and PORT 3502W
RUSS 1102, RUSS 3002, and RUSS 3102
SPAN 1002, SPAN 1004 (4 sections), SPAN 3105W, and SPAN 3972W

FREN 4109W and FREN 4110V
GER 5011
GSD 3451
SPAN 3972W

ARAB 1102, ARAB 3102, and ARAB 5102
FREN 1004, FREN 3016, FREN 3531, and FREN 4109
GER 1004 (3 sections) and GER 3012W
KOR 3022, KOR 3032, and KOR 4042
PORT 1104, PORT 3001, and PORT 3502W
RUSS 1102, RUSS 3002, and RUSS 3102
SPAN 3105 and SPAN 3972W

FREN 1002
GER 5011
GSD 3451
SPAN 1022, SPAN 1004, and SPAN 3972

ARAB 1102 (2 sections), ARAB 3102 (3 sections), and ARAB 5102
FREN 3017, FREN 3101, FREN 3541, FREN 4109, and FREN 4110
KOR 3022 (2 sections), KOR 3032, and KOR 4042
PORT 1104 and PORT 3502
RUSS 3002 (2 sections) and RUSS 3102
SPAN 3972 (2 sections)

FREN 1002, FREN 1004, and FREN 3016
GER 1004 and GER 3012
PORT 3001
SPAN 1022, SPAN 1004, SPAN 3105, and SPAN 3972W