The contest’s runner-up the essay is “History and Philosophy of Science after the Practice-Turn: From Inherent Tension to Local Integration” by Max W. Dresow of the Department…
Scientific fields such as chemistry, psychology, anthropology, and biology are deeply interwoven in countless complex ways. Philosophy professor Bennett McNulty looks at these…
Scientific research is commonly thought to be all about the numbers: concrete evidence, data, and carefully drawn conclusions. However, Max Dresow’s background in both…
“It’s like playing tennis without a net. You always win,” says statistics professor Charles Geyer about conducting unethical research. Discover how Geyer and other professors…
A new philosophy class starting this spring will examine conceptual issues in medicine, delving deeper into how medical professionals know what they know. Alan Love, professor…
Do scientific theories fully describe the world? Do electrons and electromagnetic fields really exist? What sets science apart from other kinds of inquiry? Philosophers of…
Sara Parhizgari is a recipient for the award of a 2018–2019 Pre-Doctoral Fellowship through the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (SHASS).
We held the Tenth Annual Science Studies Symposium this past January. The talk was centered around new research models and changes in the realm of scientific cooperation.