Yoshinari Yoshida Receives Baruch Spinoza Travel Award
Department of Philosophy graduate student and MCPS graduate student fellow, Yoshinari (Yoshi) Yoshida, has been selected to receive the 2019 Baruch Spinoza travel award. The Baruch Spinoza travel award is designed to encourage the development of the next generation of scholars working at the intersection of philosophy and the sciences. It is made possible by a generous donation from Dr. William J.M. Hrushesky, who was a professor at the University of Minnesota (1976–1999) and a pioneer in basic research in chronobiology and its clinical applications. Yoshi will be traveling to the biennial meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB 2019) in Oslo, Norway, this summer to present a research paper on the topic of how different scientific models are motivated by different epistemic values ("Epistemic values, trade-offs, and multiple-models juxtaposition"). In particular, Yoshi analyzes trade-offs between different epistemic values in the context of multiple-models juxtaposition, which is a reasoning strategy that he illustrates with an example from current research in developmental biology.