Behind the Ballot

Four members of the CLA community share their experiences as election judges
Red, white, and blue 'I voted' stickers

In the lead-up to Election Day, countless behind-the-scenes efforts ensure that the democratic process runs smoothly. Election judges play a crucial role in making sure that voters have a fair, efficient, and positive experience at the polls. We connected with:

to learn more about what motivated these folks to serve as election judges, what the role entails, and their advice for others interested in stepping up to help their community on Election Day.

I have found serving as an election judge to be a very fulfilling experience. There's something special about serving the community while supporting our democratic system, all through a series of relatively simple tasks. It’s a powerful combination! Plus, becoming an election judge is easy—just fill out the city-specific application to get started.

Jadah Green

Voting and Civic Engagement

In 2023, we commemorated the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered the historic “I Have A Dream” speech. Inspired by historical and contemporary justice movements, the Dream Initiative, based in the College of Liberal Arts, invited Twin Cities organizations and communities to engage in opportunities that commemorated, fostered reflection, educated, and amplified our shared, social justice aspirations and actions for change.

Learn more about the Dream Initiative

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