Recent Dissertations


Kylie Shahar 
“Emerging Themes in Early Modern Philosophy: Locke, Cockburn, and Kant on Moral Knowledge and Development”

Nathan Lackey 
"The Moral Psychology of Implicit Bias: Interpretations, Obligations, and Responsibilities”

Michael Calasso 
"Ontological Methodology and the Philosophy of Arithmetic: A Critique of Abstractionism’’

Sara Parhizgari 
"Abstraction, Objects, and Existence’’


Tucker Marks 
“From Well-Being to Citizen Well-Being in Jean-Jacques Rousseau”

Christopher Nagel 
"Subjectivism About Artistic Value"

Justin Ivory 
"Essays on Well-Being’’

Nicole Thompson 
"The Voice of the Voiceless: Addressing Various Forms of Injustice in the Civil Commitment Process for Those with Eating Disorders’’

Qiannan Li
"Shame, Respect and Well-Being: What Can We Learn from Early Chinese Philosophy?’’

Yoshinari Yoshida
"Philosophy of science, philosophy of biology Generalizations in Practice: Investigating Generality and Specificity in Developmental Biology’’


Max Dresow
"Time, Life, and Environment: Practices of Geohistory at the Intersection of the Earth and Life Sciences."
Advisor: Alan Love

Brian Tebbitt (MA Plan A)
"Demarcation and Definition: The Metaphysics of Project Management Considered."
Advisor: Peter Hanks


Justin Kuster
"A Critique of Reductive Accounts of the Source of Necessity"
Advisor: Peter Hanks


Melanie Bowman
"An Epistemology of Solidarity: Coalition in the Face of Ignorance"
Advisor: Naomi Scheman


Haidar Al-Dhalimy
"On Order Types of Space-Time Dimensions"
Advisors: Roy T Cook, Geoffrey Hellman

Kathryn Swanson
"Non-Ideal Autonomy in the Relationship of Care"
Co-advisors: Sarah Holtman and Joan Tronto (POSC)


William Bausman
"From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics"
Advisor: C. Kenneth Waters

Patrick Laine
"The Living Mind"
Advisors: Peter Hanks, Naomi Scheman

John "Jack" Powers
"Descriptive Practices and Values in Endocrine Disruption Research"
Advisor: Alan Love

Jason Steffen
"A Kantian Theory of Criminal Law"
Advisor: Sarah Holtman

Yi Tong
"Conceptual Analysis in Jurisprudence: An Essay in Methodology"
Advisor: Brian Bix

Brian Wilson Baer
"A Theory of Moral Obligation"
Advisors: Sarah Holtman, Roy T Cook


Marisol Brito
"Why Friendship?"
Advisors: Sarah Holtman, Naomi Scheman

Kirsten Kringle
"The Decision to Know"
Advisor: Naomi Scheman

Shay Logan
"Categories and Constructs"
Advisors: Geoffrey Hellman, Roy T Cook


Thomas Doyle
"Philosophy and the Professional Image of Philosophy"
Advisors: Alan Love, Douglas Lewis

Mark Herr
"Human Defect"
Advisor: Valerie Tiberius


Stephen Nelson
"Committing Ourselves to Nothing: An Anti-Orthodox View of Existential Quantifier Expressions"
Advisors: Peter Hanks, Geoffrey Hellman

Jason Swartwood
"Cultivating Practical Wisdom"
Advisor: Valerie Tiberius


Yi Deng
"Toward 'Free Trade' from Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal"
Advisors: Sarah Holtman, Joseph Owens

Loree Kalliainen
"The Application of Evidence-Based Medicine to the Field of Surgery"
Advisor: Michael Root

Anastasia Panagopoulos
"Knowing What It's Like and Mind-Reading"
Advisor: Peter Hanks

Hyun Joo Shin
"Individualism and the Aesthetic"
Advisors: Joseph Owens, Geoffrey Hellman


Monica Berrier
"Rethinking Aesthetic Concepts: Lessons from the Art of Classical Dressage"
Advisor: Keith Gunderson

Jovana Davidovic
"International Law and Global Justice: Why Institutional Features of International Law Matter to Discussions of Global Justice"
Advisor: Michelle Mason

Joseph Martin (MA)
"Contingency, Predication, and Counterfactuals in the History and Philosophy of Science"
Advisor: C. Kenneth Waters

Ian Stoner
"The Reward of Virtue: An Essay on the Relationship Between Character and Well-Being"
Advisors: Valerie Tiberius, Michelle Mason


Deepanwita Dasgupta
"On the Peripheries of Western Science: Indian Science from 1910-1930, a Cognitive-Philosophical Analysis"
Advisor: Ronald Giere