Tricia Olsen Receives Best Book Award From the APSA

Congratulations to Tricia Olsen, holder of the Harold E. Stassen World Peace Chair, on receiving this year's American Political Science Association's (APSA) Human Rights Section Best Book Award for Seeking Justice: Access to Remedy for Corporate Human Rights Abuse.

The APSA is the leading professional organization for the study of political science, bringing together political scientists from all fields and endeavors to deepen the understanding of politics, democracy, and citizenship throughout the world. The Human Rights Section offers annual awards for scholarly work in human rights.

Cover of Seeking Justice

Seeking Justice explores the varying experiences of victims seeking remedy mechanisms for corporate human rights abuse it proposes a theory about the possibility of productive contestation and looks into governance outcomes for victims of corporate human rights abuse across Latin America. This foundation informs three pathways victims can press for their rights: working within the institutional environment, capitalizing on corporate characteristics, and elevating voices.

Olsen challenges common assumptions in the governance gap literature and argues that greater democratic practices can emerge from productive contestation. This book bears tough questions about the trade-offs associated with economic growth and conflicting values around the world contemplate the type of democratic and economic systems that might better prepare us for our future.

Published in 2023, Seeking Justice is available from Cambridge University Press.

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