Faculty Retirements

We say farewell to Scott Abernathy and John Freeman

Scott Abernathy

Distinguished Teaching Professor Scott Abernathy is retiring from the Department of Political Science after more than twenty years of teaching.  

Scott has been recognized as the recipient of the Horace T. Morse Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education (2010) and the Outstanding Faculty Partner Award (2019) for his work with Ramsey County on the Resilient Communities Project.

Throughout his time here, Scott served the department as the director of undergraduate studies, director of Honors, and chair of the Equity and Diversity Committee. 

Scott’s research and publications focused on education policy, methods and reform; democracy; bureaucracy; and American government. He published two books and many articles about these topics. He also authored multiple editions of a groundbreaking textbook on American government. 

John Freeman

After forty years in the Department of Political Science, Distinguished McKnight University Professor John Freeman has announced his retirement. 

Throughout John’s career, he has been recognized at the highest levels with awards for his teaching, research, and publications. Some of his awards include the Quincy Wright Award for the Best Book in International Relations (1990); Horace T. Morse Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education (1992); Award for Outstanding Contributions to Postbaccalaureate, Graduate, and Professional Education (2008); CLA Dean’s Medal for Excellence in Research (2009); and APSA’s Lifetime Achievement Award (2014). He was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2009. 

John served the department in many capacities, including as department chair from 1998-2004 and director & instructor of the Math-Statistics Camp for Incoming Graduate Students. 

John’s research areas include political economy, international relations, and methodology. He has published numerous articles in prestigious outlets, as well as books and chapters.

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