Spring 2019 Newsletter from Political Science


We are closing in on our Mulford Q. Sibley Memorial fundraising goal but we still need your help! Our department is seeking to honor one of the most popular and beloved teachers the University of Minnesota has ever had. This fund will honor Professor Sibley’s legacy by funding a public conference and commemorating the grove that bears his name. Please consider a gift to the Mulford Q. Sibley Memorial Fund!

On the topic of widely popular political theorists, please join me in congratulating Professor Joan Tronto, one of the most cited women in political science, on her retirement from our department. Professor Tronto began her retirement by traveling to Rome, Florence, Modena, and Venice to deliver public lectures and lead stimulating seminars on “Caring Democratically: A Response to Neoliberalism.” There is no doubt that Professor Tronto will remain a publicly engaged scholar in the years to come. She will be missed by our students, our staff, and our faculty colleagues.

Please take a few minutes to read the stories below about the great work graduate students and faculty are doing.


Paul Goren
Professor and Chair

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