CLA Gender Policy Report GRPP

CLA Gender Policy Report GRPP Summer Fellowship

The College of Liberal Arts and the Center for RIDGS Studies are pleased to announce that there will be two Gender Policy Report GRPP Summer Fellowships in 2025. Each fellowship is a $6000 award that will be paid over five pay periods during the summer. 


The Gender Policy Report offers diverse perspectives on how public policy matters for gender equality, gender equity, and constructions of gender itself. Through an active blog and social media presence, we seek to improve public discourse and inform policy debates on issues with national relevance. Our mission is to take the best insights from scholarship and research and make them accessible to the public in a way that is timely for addressing serious policy challenges. We are committed to an intersectional focus on the ways gender interacts with other dimensions of inequality, such as race, indigeneity, class, sexuality, and disability.
A major benefit of this fellowship is the opportunity for students to consider ways to communicate research findings to broader audiences and shape policy discussions, in collaboration with a faculty mentor. For the fellowship, students must apply to work with a Gender Policy Report faculty curator on a project to translate and transmit analysis on key areas of gender policy, including: 
  • Built and Natural Environment
  • Criminal Legal System
  • Education
  • Health
  • Human Rights, Development and Security
  • Immigration and Refugees
  • Labor, Family and Economic Security
  • Leadership, Representation, & Civil Rights
  • Violence
  • Gender, Race and Place in Minnesota


Fellows are expected to produce two blog posts for the Gender Policy Report website during this summer or early fall. These may be co-authored with the faculty curator. (Examples of previous posts authored by GRPP fellows include California’s New Gig Worker Protections Leave Domestic Workers Behind and Women and War: Using Gender to Predict Conflicts.)

The Gender Policy Report is a project of the Center on Women, Gender, and Public Policy at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs.

★ Financial Aid Information ★ 

As fellowship processing processes have changed, there is now a new, required information section on the form. Read the information below and be sure to verify with OneStop Student Services before submitting your application. 

This award can be processed either in the Spring or Summer term. Please note that if you accept any additional financial aid in Spring 2025 (including loans, fellowships, scholarships or grants), your current financial aid package may be adjusted. 
Action Required: Please contact One Stop Student Services at [email protected] prior to submitting this application to confirm if the GRPP Fellowship would or would not impact your additional financial aid.

If accepting the GRPP award in the Spring semester would impact your additional financial aid, you must accept it in the Summer semester instead. This would require enrolling in CLA 8000 in the summer and completing the coursework. CLA will cover the tuition and collegiate fees for the course, although not international or transportation fees. CLA 8000 is a 13-week, one-credit independent study course. More information about CLA 8000 will be provided soon.

This section is required for administrative purposes; your response will not impact your eligibility for the fellowship. (Please note, regardless of whether the award is process in the Spring or Summer semester, recipients of the CLA RIDGS Summer Fellowships are not eligible for other internal fellowships during Summer 2025 - see below.

Application and Deadline

Applicants should specify the types of projects they intend to work on, describe how working with faculty curators will enhance their own research, and note how their research interests intersect with the aims of the Gender Policy Report. A completed application and proposal must be submitted to [email protected]  and [email protected] by 9 AM on March 3, 2025. The completed application will include the GRPP application form, a single-spaced 2-3-page research proposal, a 2-page CV, and an unofficial transcript.

Applications should clearly articulate the following:

1.    Explain the subject, aim, and policy recommendations for the two articles you hope to write, in language accessible to non-specialists.

2.    Indicate the imagined Research Areas (see for each article.

3.    Explain how each article relates to an aspect of US public policy, including matters of local, state, federal, and US foreign policy.

Download Application

Selection Process 

A committee of faculty from RIDGS units and curators from the Gender Policy Report will review applications and determine awards based on eligibility and merit of the submitted proposals. We will also take into account your current funding availability and whether or not you have held GRPPs in the past. 


CLA students from any discipline are eligible to apply. Recipients of the RIDGS-Gender Policy Report Summer Fellowships are not eligible for other internal fellowships during summer 2025 (e.g. CLA DOVE Summer Fellowships, Graduate School Dissertation Fellowships, department fellowships). As a condition of the award, recipients may not register for courses during the summer term and may only hold up to a 25% appointment during the summer.

Reporting Requirements

In addition to submitting content for the Gender Policy Report website, each CLA RIDGS-Gender Policy Report Fellowship recipient must submit a 1-2 page report summarizing their accomplishments during the fellowship period. Fellows will receive a form outlining exactly what information is required. This report should be submitted to [email protected] (with a cc to [email protected]) by September 2, 2025.