University Initiatives & Partnerships

Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences is involved in university, local, national, and worldwide endeavors. These include our own clinic offerings to agreements with institutions across the world. 

The Julia M. Davis Speech-Language-Hearing Center offers a broad range of services for individuals with impairments of speech, language, and hearing. The services offered in our clinic provide clinical education opportunities for graduate students. All services are provided by graduate students under the supervision of a nationally certified and licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist. 

Some of our unique services include day-camps for kids who stutter, a partners in aphasia program, and literacy-based groups for preschoolers. 

Explore some of our stuttering services:

In addition, our graduate students are offered the opportunity to complete a department certificate in the Bilingual and Multicultural Program. This program is designed for students to engage with various cultural and linguistic groups in the community as a part of certificate requirements. 

Additional Initiatives:

University of Minnesota Autism Initiative (UMAI)

The University of Minnesota Autism Initiative (UMAI) group aims to promote autism research as well as community engagement in terms of services and activities through partner organizations such as Children's Hospital and Autism Clinic of the University.

Learn more on UMAI's Facebook page.

Big Ten-Ivy League Traumatic Brain Injury Research Collaboration

The Big Ten-Ivy League Traumatic Brain Injury Research Collaboration is a multi-institutional research effort whose mission is to better understand the causes and effects of sport-related concussions and head injuries. 

Learn more about the Big Ten-Ivy League Traumatic Brain Injury Research Collaboration.

Leadership Education in Neurodevelopment and Other Disorders Training Program (LEND) 

This grant engages the community specifically by awarding funding to community partners. It also prepares trainees to become clinical leaders in their communities.

Learn more about the LEND program.


MnDRIVE Brain Conditions Neuromodulation Innovation 

Our students are involved in the MnDrive Neuromodulation program.  Two undergraduate students will spend the summer doing research on implants, balance disorders, and hearing aids. A PhD student will work through the coming year on a research project determining how the monkey cortex maps important vs. irrelevant information.

Learn more about MnDRIVE.

Center for Applied and Translational Sensory Science (CATSS)

The vision of CATSS is to harness the University of Minnesota's world-leading scientific expertise in sensory science to tackle the problems faced by millions of people with sensory deficits, such as low vision or hearing loss. With our aging population, sensory deficits that cut people off from their social and physical environment will have an increasingly devastating impact at both the individual and societal levels.

Learn more about CATSS.

Minnesota Sight & Hearing Association—Hearing Aid Bank of Minnesota

Our clinic partners with the Minnesota Sight & Hearing Association to offer services to people who are in need of hearing-related services.

Learn more about the Hearing Aid Bank of Minnesota.

Hallym University 

SLHS recently formed a partnership with Hallym University in Chuncheon, Korea. Faculty and student research collaborations, as well as student exchanges, are in the works for the future. 

Shanghai Jiaotong University

SLHS faculty Yang Zhang is working with Shanghai Jiaotong University.  Their summer institute is open to SJTU and its affiliated hospitals (including Shanghai Children's Medical Center) as well as other interested organizations/parties in China to provide academic and clinical training for the researchers, clinicians, and students. This year's theme is on language delay and disorders in children.